
Matthew Provost
Matthew Provost Senior Vice President of Development
As VP of development, Matt supports our fundraising efforts and outreach...
Allison Anderson
Allison Anderson Director of Institutional Giving
As Director of Institutional Giving, Allison builds institutional...
J.T. Dean
J.T. Dean Director of Individual and Major Gifts
As Director of Individual and Major Gifts, J.T. leads the engagement...
Zoe Fried
Zoe Fried Development and Annual Fund Coordinator
As the development and annual fund coordinator, Zoe collaborates closely with the...
Ashley Seymour
Ashley Seymour Compliance and Reporting Administrator
As compliance and reporting administrator, Ashley Seymour will track and execute programmatic...
Susan Stephenson
Susan Stephenson Director of Federal Business Development
Susan supports the Conservancy’s development efforts as...